What's in My Handbag?
Hello Lovelies,
I am back with yet another post, this one was hugely requested so I am finally getting around to it now. Isn't it funny as human beings we have such curious nature? I love to watch what's in my handbag videos! So without further ado, you can see all about the secrets of my handbag below:
My friends & family always make laugh of me because I like to have spacious handbags, now not suitcase like but I'd call them medium size. My two favorite day-to-day handbags are:
This Michael Kors bag is my day-to-day handbag for work and it's so spacious. I bought it when I lived in New York in one of my favorite shops Lord & Taylor. I couldn't find the exact same bag however I have linked similar one here & here.
I have it roughly 4 years and it's still in immaculate condition. That's what I love about buying designer items as they will really last you forever. That's the one time I don't mind spending extra to get the longest out of an item.
This bag is also from Lord & Taylor. It was my very first designer handbag and I definitely think of it as my "baby" and I look after it with a lot more precision. You will find the link to it here.
Now that we have a general idea of what are the proportions of my handbag, I can finally show you what goes in it (On daily basis may I add!)
- My Wallet

I got this wallet as part of my Christmas present from Warren, as my old one from Nine-West has fallen apart. This River Island wallet fits everything I need perfectly and you can buy it here. Those close to me know that I am an absolute hoarder of cards, pictures, receipts, movie studs etc. and they all land in my wallet. Someone might think there is so much cash in there judging by its size, but I can assure you it's all receipts. This girl never carries cash!
- Work/Home & Car Keys
Yup that's a lot of keys. God forbid I lose one of them and it's like World War III.
- Crystals P Jewelry Pen

I really don't go anywhere without having a pen. I have a tendency of coming up with ideas/thoughts/to dos at most random moments and I must take them down right away otherwise they will vanish into space. I was gifted this pen sometime ago and I really dread the day the ink will run out in it. Don't get me wrong I don't put that much "feeling" into material things but I think we all have that one pen that makes our writing lovely and it's also lovely to look at.
- My Shining Armour Ban.Do

Another thing I cannot live without. Every appointment and to do goes in there and I do be taking it out every 5 minutes if I could. It's like my left hand - I cannot function without it. Every single thing goes in there. I cannot praise it enough. I believe it was roughly €40 for 18 months which in the long run is a good value and you get a lot of lovely stickers to go with it.
- Sunglasses

I never go anywhere without them no matter how dull the weather. I have few pairs I like and use on daily basis such as Raybans (aviators), Parfois and Custom Vintage Dublin. None of them are designer however I am happy with them and how they work for my face shape.
- Lip balm
This is my number one cosmetic thing I carry in my handbag. I never used to wear it at all for years and never needed to however the last year or so I find myself reaching for one every couple of hours. I find the Cien one from Lidl/Aldi the best! Sometimes cheap is just as good!
- Make-up/Cosmetics bag
I am sure each girl has one of those in their handbag. They vary based on what each one of us uses and finds useful throughout the day or the situation we find ourselves in. For example in my cosmetics bag you will find: Tampons, Pads, Hair Brush, Painkillers, Plasters, Hair Clips, Hair Bobbins, Compact Mirror, Handbag Size Perfume and I think that's all. Believe it or not I never carry any spare make up with me unless I was running late for work and had to bring it with me. My make up always seemed in place for the day which I can only consider myself lucky for.

That's really all I bring with me on daily basis. "All" I say however I believe many girls can go on with their day with carrying much less. I guess those things are just what I might need throughout the day speaking from the history.
What would you carry in your handbag? What types of handbags do you use? I never had a small handbag since I can remember I always carried what my friends call "a suitcase" but that worked for me.
I do hope you guys liked this post, as previously mentioned it was a requested post therefore I hope I have answered all the questions.
As Always,
Lots of love,
Joanna xoxox
*None of this content has been sponsored, however I have used affiliate links within.