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A Girl Like Her

Hello Everyone,

Today's post will be very different from what I have written so far and to be honest I wasn't sure should I touch this subject, but if we don't talk about it then things will remain the same.

Couple of weeks ago my friend posted a status on Facebook about a movie called "A Girl Like Her" based on a true story. It portrays bullying across high school students and the emotions they go through while they struggle to deal with the situation.

I am a huge fan of any movies based on a true story, as they are so eye opening, educational and often carry an important message. They also make you appreciate what you have in life and make you look at your friends & family in a different light.

One evening I have sat down and decided to watch it, to say it is en eye opener was an understatement. To give you a brief overview without spoiling the outcome, the movie portrays a group of 3 popular girls in school, with their "leader" bullying a girl who she used to be best friends with. They mentally abuse her for months without any consequences and the whole school is aware of this. A friend of the victim decides to put a camera into her necklace in attempt of documenting the ongoing threats, however one day the girl decides she cannot take it anymore and swallows enough pills to put her into a coma. That's when things are starting to come out to public and an investigation begins.

What's sad about this, is that the majority of the students were aware that this is going on and nobody had the courage to speak up. When the teachers were interviewed they said the "kids should be able to sort it out between themselves, and it's their fault for not speaking up". I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Being a teenager is not easy, when your body changes, you start to form your personality and figure out who you are - nobody wants to be called a "snitch" for talking to the ADULTS. What's scary is that teachers are being paid to supervise and they have been trained to notice when and if something is out of line. It made me fear for future of my children and I have lost confidence in the system.

On the other hand where were the parents this whole time? If you know your child well enough you will know something is not right. Believe me I understand, what it means not wanting to talk to your parents, thinking you are grown up and can handle certain things yourself, but these parents should have forced her to say something especially that this was ongoing for months.

The movie portrays how blind the society can be and how blind the society wants to be when it comes to dealing with issues. The parents of the bully would not accept the responsibility nor had they even realized their daughter was mentally & physically abusing someone. In the world where we are so preoccupied with technology and money, it's scary to wonder where we are headed, because the world will only evolve and with that so will our children.

What saddened me the most is that nobody embraced the beauty of being different, we were all created to be individuals and bring various things to this world. Everyone seems to be so afraid of change and it's because of that things like bullying happen.

At the end of the day, we all have different dreams to chase and we should be nothing but supportive of each other.

I strongly recommend watching this movie "A Girl Like Her" - it is available on Netflix as well as Showbox. It would be beneficial for anyone with teenagers or even for your own personal development.

As Always,

Lots of Love,

Joanna xoxo

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