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How Not to Kill Each Other During Wedding Planning

Good Afternoon Dolls,

Hope everyone is having a great week. We are almost there! I am often getting asked on my Snapchat how I deal with stress when it comes to planning a wedding, especially one abroad. What I found is, most brides take on too much and don’t share the progress with their partner. I know, we all know that men don’t really want to know anything wedding related apart from where and when are they supposed to show up BUT after all they got down on one knee so as a result they should also be involved, and some of you may just be lucky enough to have a man who wants to help out!

Here are few tips on how not to get crazy, obsessive and be able to get full night’s sleep:

1. Plan way ahead of time

If I only knew this before, I would have been planning my wedding even before we got engaged! When the clock is ticking closer and closer to your big day, naturally the wedding theme is going to take over your life HOWEVER this may make your partner feel isolated and the air can grow thick.

Your big day is about the love the two of you have for each other, but what’s the point of it if during the planning stage you’re killing each other over lack of time spent together, lack of intimacy etc? I have started planning my wedding 2 years ago and I remember Warren saying “why are you doing this we have lots of time?” – He was correct, we had lots of time then, but by doing bit by bit I managed to keep our relationship fresh, not overloading it with wedding talk. The more time you have, the better you can budget, stress less over things and can gather more ideas.

2. Give your partner a responsibility

It is common knowledge men like to feel that they are “the man of the house”, even though we could probably do most things ourselves. By giving your partner a task for the wedding will make him feel included, valued and needed. Depending on how much you trust your partner or how important the task is, at least it gets him out of your way for a while.

Some tasks can include the following: choice of the music, choice of his suits/tuxedos, groomsmen gifts, honeymoon planning.

Remember, it is his special day too so no matter what the outcome, I am sure he has done his very best.

3. Do Things

I have mentioned this in my previous article 5 Household Saving Tips, just because you’re saving for a wedding does not mean you have to stop living your life. Of course, you have to save and budget for things, but if you really look around you will find plenty of things to do for FREE or on the cheap. Getting out of the house and feeling like a part of society can really clear your mind and let you feel sane again. There are couple of things available out there:

- Meteor Extras: If you are with meteor network, once a month they offer meteor extras to their customers whether it’s free movie pass or 2 for 1 dining experience. There goes your date night.

- Radio: I am not going to mention any radio stations, as I find them equally annoying at times :) however they are the best source of information for free stuff! Especially around 7 – 8am the breakfast shows advertise all events happening around the city. It’s worth a listen on your way to work.

4. Have some YOU time

In the age of social media everywhere we often take people for granted and don't pay them as much attention. Every day you should devote a certain time to your partner, social media free, TV free, wedding talk free. Only the two of you and no one else. You will be surprised how refreshing it can be without having any distractions. It seems almost too simple, doesn't it? Sometimes it's the little things that paint the bigger picture.

Me & My Other Half :)

Hope you guys enjoyed reading my blog.

Lots of Love,

Joanna xoxo

© 2016 by From The Outer Side.

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