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DIY Beauty Tips & Tricks Uncovered

Good Evening!

This week flew by, I have no idea where it went. But I won't complain as I adore Fridays.

Back in the day, I used to follow a ton of DIY Remedy accounts on Instagram (I mean a LOT) and I used to try out all these crazy ideas they had there. Also, like every true blogger I follow all my other fellow bloggers to see what's been happening and what have they been up to. With my wedding in mind, I was looking at all these sponsored talks and photos with expensive brands.

Having a tight budget for "wants" during planning my wedding I started to add up all the beauty products I wanted to buy after watching various tutorials and I would end up spending €300+

This is definitely not going to happen, so I started to get back to my old ways.

Here are some tips and tricks you can come across online also, but I will let you know what works and what doesn't. I also think that if you're on a budget this is a great idea for a girls night in!



  • Face Scrub: Honey + Lemon Juice + Baking Soda

Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl and use a cotton pad or a small face brush to spread on your skin (avoid eyes). At the beginning the lemon juice will dissolve the baking soda and honey will turn into more liquid form. Massage into your face and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse and dry. Your skin will immediately feel a lot lighter and smoother.

  • Irritated Skin: Aloe Vera Plant

Cleanse your face from all dirt and make up and dry with clean towel. Break off a leaf of Aloe Vera and rub the inside of the leaf directly on your skin and the area affected. This can be used on open wounds also.


  • Bags under your eyes: Tea

Pour boiling water into clean mug and dip the teabag in until it's diffused. Wait couple of seconds for it to cool off and place directly on your eye lids (eyes closed). Keep it on for approx 15 minutes. Be aware of your clothes as tea is very hard to wash off. I found that regular (black) tea actually works better rather than herbal/flavored teas.

  • Tired/Irritated Eyes: Cucumber

Wash the cucumber under cold water to remove any debris/dirt. Slice the cucumber into round slices about 1 cm wide. Place the slices onto your eye lids (eyes closed). This will work for approximately 10 minutes. For better effects store cucumber in the fridge for approximately 30 minutes prior using.


  • Hair Growth/Hair Conditioning: Coconut oil

As seen on my Snapchat I use coconut oil in my hair. I am trying to grow my hair as much as possible for my wedding. Take a table spoon full of oil and place it in your palm. Oil will melt from your body temperature. Then spread it on hair ends and mid-way. Do no put on your roots as this will make your roots very greasy and it will continue growing greasy. It is very time consuming to remove it from your heir, however it makes your hair so smooth and shiny.


  • Removing Hard Skin: Apple Vinegar + Listerine + Bath Salts + Boiling Water

Fill a basin of boiling water and add the apple vinegar, Listerine (yes, the mouth wash) and some bath salts. Once it's cooled down place both of your feet into the basin to soak them off. Use one of the pumice brushes to foil your feet and then moisturize. For best results use body butter rather then a lotion. (Pumice brush can be purchased in Primark)



  • Removing Blackheads: Lemon Juice

You will find many sites telling you that rubbing lemon juice on your nose and around the area and leaving it on for the night will remove blackheads. WRONG. It doesn't do anything but dry your skin.

  • Removing Blackheads: Honey + Cinnamon

Another online myth is that mixing powder cinnamon and honey and leaving it on for 30 minutes will remove blackheads. WRONG. It will not remove blackheads and you will smell cinnamon for the next few days :)


  • Conditioning: Banana + Egg

This Hair "Mask" not only doesn't condition your hair, but egg also has ability to brighten your hair color. You may end up changing your hair color and banana is the worst thing possible to get rid of from your hair.


  • Eye Mask: Powder Milk + Honey

You can find this as one of the most "popular remedies" however I find it difficult to manage as honey is very sticky and powder it's quite rough on eye lids.

That's all the DIY Beauty Tricks I dared to experiment with. If you have done anything similar before let me know on Facebook or Instagram!

As Always,

Lots of Love

Joanna xoxo

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